That's me!

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Okay so I am in this new phase of life. The Great Awakening shall I say. I have been sleeping on the things of the Lord this past year, and now my heart has been awakened. Be on alert, I am back on the grind. I am starving for righteousness and I will not stop till I am filled.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Be encouraged

One of my biggest fears is that I will waste my life. The wasted life to me is not living for the Glory of God and the benefit of others. But so often I begin to feel like I am just going through the motions and not at all useful for anything. I think it may point to a deeper heart issue like feeling like I need the applause of man, or even finding my significance in others needing me. Either way the Lord really lifted up my head on my bday last night. I realize you really need mutual bldg up for the rest of your life, God says it but do we really make it a point to show the people in our lives we care, regularly. You never know what they could be going through. Sin is so deceitful in all our hearts and will harden our hearts quickly. True we need to rest in Jesus and depend on him, but we are one body and interdependent on each other. I am so motivated to encourage ppl more, now but also let others know when I need it and not just expect them to do it off principle. Let us then consider how we can stir up one another to love and good deeds.

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