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Okay so I am in this new phase of life. The Great Awakening shall I say. I have been sleeping on the things of the Lord this past year, and now my heart has been awakened. Be on alert, I am back on the grind. I am starving for righteousness and I will not stop till I am filled.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Shattered Dreams

Current mood: contemplative
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

I am reminded when i question God in tumultuous times that i have placed my faith in my comfortability, not in the God who comforts. When God seems unresponsive to my prayers or i allow my emotions to take control I am just showing how much more I want immediate gratification and things to go my way rather then to trust a God who is in complete control.The circumstances of our lives so often pervert our view of God to the extent that one day we realize how far we are from Him, beacuse we have let anger, and bitterness, and frustrations cloud our view. We tend to blame God for everything wrong and bless Him for the good as if His very nature changes. God is good, all the time, and everything He does is good. Not only that, but God wants to bless us and always does, He loves us, and is always doing us good no matter how things seem to fall apart.The danger comes when you take your eyes off Jesus and allow your selfish desires to control you, you begin to fofeit the greates dream, the most ultimate pleasures for lesser, counterfeits and in my case to get back at God in a way, to show Him I am hurting and I want Him to hurt too. As much as my passions may not be sinful, it is clear that they are an object of worship when I am willing to sin against the holy God, when I don't get them when i want them.

What's good is not always the best for us. i know that God wants to and always gives me HIs best, i settle for just the good. I settle for gratification and not true satisfaction which only comes from the Lord HImself, b/c in the presence of the Lord is fullness of joy, and in His right hand are pleasures forever. There is nothing else on earth with that kind of promise.So why do we live like God owes us some perfect life here on earth w/o pain, suffering and all the things that He says brings us closer to HIm and helps us grow. Believe me when i say our pain always has a purpose, God is not arbitrary, nor is He trying to lead us on or play with our emotions. He loves and more then we can ever know love to even love ourselves. So please i implore u to stop settling for those things that u even consider good desires, if they are not from God they might as well be bad, seek after the better desires, that which God has promised, until we reach the ultimate best when we will one day live eternally with HIM.

Jeremiah 32:40-41 Now I can see dimly what goodness really is; it is not about me fulfillind all my dreams and desires, but about knowing the God who created everything visible and invisible and worshipping Him for the great salvation that He has promised me in this life and the one to come.

"Shattered Dreams", by Larry Crab inspired this blog and the ones to come.


  1. Amen Hooper! Christ is the greatest TREASURE of ALL!

  2. OH wow! This was encouraging! It is a fight to find that fullness of joy in His presence. May He forgive us for the times we take our eyes off Him and place them on others or on our always changing circumstances. Thanks for the blog, sis!

  3. Wow Eulice! Praise the Lord for your honesty sister. And boy did I need to hear that today! I want God's best. Don't settle for less!!
