That's me!

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Okay so I am in this new phase of life. The Great Awakening shall I say. I have been sleeping on the things of the Lord this past year, and now my heart has been awakened. Be on alert, I am back on the grind. I am starving for righteousness and I will not stop till I am filled.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Love your neighbor like you trust yoursel

Love and trust are the one thing that everyone yearns for yet are paralyzingly scared to show. You really can't have one without the other. Yet both are the very thing we lack greatly. No one is fully trustworthy tho we strive to be, and no one truly loves unconditionally. But God commands us to love as he loved. He sacrificed, he sees the grimy,filthy stuff of our real selves and still loves us the same. He also says if we abide in him we are to love others the same way. I have no answer to this difficult concept other then Run to Jesus! He will not command us to do anything he will not empower us to do. Let his love control you.

We love ourselves so much more than God and other people. That is why we can't trust. Instead of suffer wrong for the sake of someone else possibly benefiting we allow them to suffer so we wont have to hurt. This is everything else but the gospel. Christ love is selfless and not emotionally based but it is passionately driven. My loveliness, or wonderful personality did not motivate Christ to go to the cross. It was my brokenness, helpless state, misery, and emptiness. Forget the fantasy of evading hurt, even Jesus learned obedience through the things he suffered. Every heartbreak and disappointment has to go through God first. So let's love,serve and sacrifice as we lean on Jesus.
Man! God really uses ppl and relationships to bring out the mess in your own heart! And you can't really blame them either they are just instruments in the Redeemer's hands. At the end of the day you got to deal with your own heart issues and make no provision for the flesh to rise. #forgiventoforgive

Ok so I get today makes some people really sad and/or mad. There is a reality some ppl never knew their dad or any male figure to show them any love or care. Or they could have been taken advantage of by the one they trusted. I know it hurts, deep but I have known a FATHER that will never leave or forsake me. I have experienced a love that no earthly man could ever give. He has been my protector, defender, lover of my soul, and provider. We are still here, yes broken, but he repairs and heals. He will never lie to you or use you. Get to know him! #tryJesus

Letting go

I'm letting go of the plans I have for me and my dreams. I really never knew surrender could be so sweet, so freeing until God had to remind me of the fact that my own ways had me bound in sin and left me for dead. He freed me, not to burden me nor to hurt me but so that I could experience true life, and that is to know Him, the one and only true and living God, and Jesus Christ his son. Whatever he got to remove to do that he will! #selah

Consider this:The real issue is not with your job, or with how you look, the statistics or what Oprah or your momma said. The real issue is God! His purpose is greater then our desires that are meager at best compared to what he has in store for us. Now if I can just get my emotions to believe this! #lifelessons

Monday, May 14, 2012

"I give myself away"

“If we hold tightly to anything given to us unwilling to allow it to be used as the Giver means it to be used we stunt the growth of the soul. What God gives us is not necessarily "ours" but only ours to offer back to him, ours to relinquish, ours to lose, ours to let go of, if we want to be our true selves. Many deaths must go into reaching our maturity in Christ, many letting goes.” 

I am just really learning this lesson over and over. You would think by now I would not be so emotionally attached to losing things, I even try and make it a practice to give things away just so that I wont get attached to it. But I realize that when it comes to my emotions I hold on to them so tightly. I am very cautious and do everything I can to avoid any pain or suffering that may be involved with loving people. This is everything but the gospel, this is me idolizing self protection and being enslaved to fear and allowing Satan to deceive me into thinking God is not trustworthy with Everything. He is such a liar! If I am going to live Romans 12:1-2 it will definitely entail a sacrifice of every part of my being, heart, mind, everything. It belongs to God and he just allows me to display His glory through how I steward what He has given me.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

freedom to be holy

Romans 13:14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. I am reading about guarding our hearts against lust and the beauty of the grace and strength that is provided in Jesus alone and not in our efforts or methods. That being said we still have to work our faith practically. I was reminded it is the little daily compromises that lead to future bondage. I was challenged to remember my eyes and my mind are actively obeying my heart. They don't operate in an isolated vacuum. They obey me. So i must  command them to obey God. I don't have to look at every guy who walks by with a nice body, or is attractive. Nor do I need to let sinful thoughts linger. "My mind and my eyes must obey Jesus. They belong to Him now" . They are no longer instruments in the service of sin, but they are in the Redeemer's Hands now. They can and they must obey God. Romans 6:11 "So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Rom 6:12  Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies, to make you obey their passions.
Rom 6:13  Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness."

#disciplined bygrace

Be still

Today is supposed to be my day of rest.  I said that for Tues, wed, and Yesterday; today I mean it. What is so hard about resting? Why do we feel the need to busy ourselves until our own body just says it is enough. I have not been sleeping well lately, so many cares, and yet this morn I felt the Lord was say "be still and know that I am God" (psalms 46:10). Not you but ME!Even though that should bring a whole lot of comfort and peace it did not. My anxieties just display yet again how much I do not trust God to be the "GREAT I AM". My foolish so called wisdom believes I could somehow do a better job of being God if I had more control. What vain thinking! The very fact that I am restless, and lack peace and feel frustrated is because I am trying to play God. CEASE STRIVING! I hear the Spirit say and be confident, rest assured, that God is everything he says he is...all knowing, all wise, all powerful, the essence of good, trustworthy, holy, perfect, in control, love, etc. So to my troubled heart: Peace, be still! From, God.

Fear Not!

I was just so excited this morning for many reasons. I have just been shocked by the love of God. He knows just what you need to hear. So today I heard a sermon on fear. My whole life fear has dictated my decisions and consumed my thinking. One thing that has been on my heart is when the Word says "fear not, for I am with you". The reason not to fear is wrapped in what we believe about God. What does it really mean that God is with us and that He is for us. Why should that bring us comfort? When I think of who God is in light of the anxieties I face, or even my personality I realize hoe self centered my fear is. It is just a vain attempt to disobey with an excuse. God tells us that fear is not from Him, but what he does give is power, love and a sound mind. All the earth is the Lord's in its fullness. He is controlling everything. This same God in his perfect love casts out all fear and doubt and we escape the wrath that is due to us. We are freed up to be bold and courageous and live...For His Glory! So who scared?!  I choose not to be.